

Dreams of Basque-French, Italian, Spanish and German migrants arrived in Uruguay in the second half of the 19th century with the intention of starting a new life and a way of self-sustainability. In this spirit, some of them chose to work the land and introduced different grape varieties that gave birth to a diverse wine-growing country. As a result of their labor and art, they transformed grapes into the miracle of wine.

The first documented vine plantation in the Eastern Band of the Uruguay River dates from December 12, 1774 and corresponds to the vineyard of the Jesuit Fathers (Calera de las Huérfanas) which had 1,500 vines. Later, Pascual Harriague was considered the father of the Tannat grape variety, but it can be said that Uruguay is a wine paradise, with different wineries to visit from north to south and from east to west. In fact, Uruguayan wines and wineries stand out for their quality in the world.

Today Enotourism includes activities related to wine and its culture, bringing the visitor closer to the production areas, but it is not limited to knowing the wine, but the secrets that are kept in its production process, its history, its culture and its people.

Broadly speaking, the winegrowing regions of our country are different and well defined: Litoral Norte, Litoral Sur, Metropolitana and Oceánica. Their diverse landscapes and unique characteristics determine different results and flavors: river and oceanic coasts, highlands and wide green fields, where the soil takes on different nuances, going from rustic and stony soils with good drainage to deeper, finer and lighter soils. Find out which is your flavor and winery that identifies you!

Ministry of Tourism

Rambla 25 de agosto de 1825 esq. Yacaré
